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Jewish men from Subcarpathian Rus await selection on the ramp at Auschwitz-Birkenau. |
Can a christian be an anti-semite? Or perhaps it is better asked, can an anti-semite be a christian?
Some people think Adolf Hitler was a christian. Some people think the Roman Catholics of the Spanish Inquisition were christians. Some christians(?) today call Israel's Jews occupiers of land belonging to "palestinians" and the oppressors of Muslims living in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Are they right? Are they christians?
It in the first century in Antioch that the disciples of Jesus were first called "christians." And they were christians! Christian means Christ like or little Christ, yes?
I think what happened is that we suffer from a redefinition of who and what christians are and are not. IMHO Constantine authorized and systematized the devils desire and that of many wolves by stamping "state owned" on the church. Or on what was left of it. And we suffer this in the context of human language still afflicted with the confusion God ordained for humanity by overthrowing the tower of Babel. It makes things very interesting to say the least.
In my view, the term christian, a very good name for those who follow Yeshua (Jesus), has been given a very bad name by those who have usurped it and made it a means for the supply and worship of their bellies.
Beginning even in the first centuries, anti-Christs, or anti-Messiahs began to be a problem in the church. By the time Constantine co-opted the weary worn out church in the 4th century gentiles in the church were busy removing all things Jewish from the church. They finally and formally inaugurated Sunday as the replacement of the Lord's sabbath. Reading the early church fathers from around the 4th century onward is a revelation of how the Jews were despised by those "fathers" who called themselves followers of the son of a virgin Jewess!
Paul wrote about God's plan and calls the church one new man. (Ephesians 2) Am I wrong that the word "messianic" is not actually found in the Bible? Yet David Stern translated the word church as "Messianic community" in the "Complete Jewish Bible." Nonetheless as one new man ought the church not say a christian (Those who were Jews in 1st century Antioch were called "christians" yes?) and a Messianic believer are essentially spiritually ONE? Is a gentile believer a messianic gentile and a Jewish believer a christian Jew? The wrong done was to "replace" the Jewish believer! But that lie will not stand in the end.
There is a ton of stuff coming into view as not a few preachers and teachers are grappling with the impact of May 14, 1948. Jerusalem, the cup of trembling! Zechariah 12:1-3 Is there as some say a different destiny for the Church and for Israel? (I'm thinking of Chuck Missler in particular who teaches that) I don't really know what to say. I am not jewish by blood pedigree, but the blood that saves me is that of the Son of God! That spectacular reality sort of overwhelms everything I can say or do, and TY Jesus for the overwhelming! halleluYah!
The real question is, as has been asked: If you were arrested for being a follower of Jesus would there be enough evidence to convict you (of the crime)??? A dear Pastor once put it something like this: if you are not being persecuted for your faith, check to see if your faith is alive or dead!!!
2 Timothy 3:12
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
"And indeed, all who want to live a godly life united with the Messiah Yeshua will be persecuted,"
By making the appellation Christian glorious I do not mean to diminish the facts of what has been done to Jews by those calling themselves christian since the earliest days of the church. In fact over several years I have found these verses which should scare the anti-semitism out of anyone!
Zech. 1:15;
Zeph. 2:10; 3:11
Obadiah vs. 12-14 (and the whole book)
Isaiah 10:1-27
Jeremiah 50:17
Lamentations 1:7,21
Ezekiel 35:7
Psalm 69:26
Matthew 25:31-46 “brethren” ~ from the womb, same mother.
In list Romans Chapters 9, 10 and 11 in which Paul is very plain that although there have been some changes made by God, He still loves His chosen Jewish people deeply. Romans 11:28
And He has plans to save them not just to the land but to the Kingdom!
Luke 1:31-33
31 For lo thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bear a son, and shalt call his Name Jesus.
32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High, and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David.
33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom shall be none end.
And God will do this for Jews AND gentiles!
Acts 15
14 Simeon hath declared, how God first did visit the Gentiles, to take of them a people unto his Name.
15 And to this agree the words of the Prophets, as it is written,
16 After this I will return, and will build again the Tabernacle of David, which is fallen down, and the ruins thereof will I build again, and I will set it up.
17 That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles upon whom my Name is called, saith the Lord which doeth all these things.
18 From the beginning of the world, God knoweth all his works.
Another question is this: Doesn't anti-semite mean to be anti the sons of Shem? The Semites are more than Jewish only. Shem was one of Noah's three sons from who Abraham came. Abraham had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. From Isaac came Jacob AND Esau! And from Jacob (Israel) finally comes Judah. From that name Judah come the appellations Jew, Jewess, Jews and Jewish. Now are some today anti-semites or are they anti -Jewish? Certainly many who are Semites are anti-Israel, notably the Muslim Arabs. Language and history are important! Is the distinction I raise here important?
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