“…occupy till I come.”
The song below has caused quite a stir. It’s a movement song. You can find an article on it here: http://hotair.com/greenroom/archives/2012/01/03/va-school-board-defends-8-year-olds-singing-occupy-lyrics/
And another here:
It is a song about covetousness. I’m sure it isn’t intended to be that by whoever wrote/inspired it. But that is what it is about. In the comments page from the second link above one man commented: “This is definitely a Christian song, an update of Matthew 19:24.” Here is my response, but first here are the words to the song named Part of the 99.
Part of the 99
Some people have it all
But they still don’t think they have enough
They want more money
A faster ride
They’re not content
Never satisfied
Yes—they’re the 1 percent
I used to be one of the 1 percent
I worked all the time
Never saw my family
Couldn’t make life rhyme
Then the bubble burst
It really, really hurt
I lost my money
Lost my pride
Lost my home
Now I’m part of the 99
Some people have it all
But they still don’t think they have enough
They want more money
A faster ride
They’re not content
Never satisfied
Yes—they’re the 1 percent
I used to be sad, now I’m satisfied
’Cause I really have enough
Though I lost my yacht and plane
Didn’t need that extra stuff
Could have been much worse
You don’t need to be first
’Cause I’ve got my friends
Here by my side
Don’t need it all
I’m so happy to be part of the 99
Notice the last line: "I’m so happy to be part of the 99.” If you are happy with being one of the 99, why is there an Occupy Wall Street protest at all? If someone on Wall Street has stolen from you they should repay you all they took and perhaps a fine too. But those who have occupied Wall Street and all the other streets: Were they really one percenters? Has Wall Street stolen from them? Frankly I have my doubts. I think many are just poor and poorly educated young people led about by people with hidden agendas. They are “movement” dupes being led by “movement” makers. And Jesus loves them, He will forgive them their sins, and save them if they are lost. But we must be the preachers willing to be sent of God to them. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=rom%2010:13-17&version=KJV
Many social movements on the left, and undoubtedly some on the right, today lack an understanding of the God of the Bible. One person thinks the song is a Christian song and an update of Matthew 19:24. He should read the whole story from Matthew 19 verse 12 to verse 28. He would see that what he might call the redistribution of wealth took place after the the nobleman returned and received the report from those servants to whom he had given the talents.
Of those who have occupied Wall Street which servant are you? One who invested your talent (or pound) as did the first two servants did? Has your talent brought you a ten fold or a five fold return like theirs did? Or did you bury your talent like the third servant did. Or perhaps you invested your money with the bank (see verse 23). The nobleman says plainly this is an option!
The redistribution of wealth here flowed from the one who buried his talent to those who used their talents successfully and gained wealth! This is the exact opposite of the communist/socialist concept of re-distributing the wealth. In God’s Kingdom the rich do get richer, although not always in this life. But the person who is cowardly, who runs away from the presence of God cannot prosper. He or she will never learn from God what prosperity is, how to gain it and how to keep it.
We really need to read our Bibles prayerfully for with out God's help and answers we will learn nothing aright. Without God one will have to make up some fantasy about what they read for the truth has not freed them from the deception of the great deceiver satan.
If you really think that someone owes you something, take them to law, to court. If you are just angry because someone has more than you do, go get your own. If you really want to be like Jesus, give everything you have for the benefit of sinners. Jesus did that. Or do as many Christians who are rich, poor and in between do: give charitably as little or much as you will.
The deceived cannot know the truth because they ARE DECEIVED.
The deceived DO NOT KNOW they are deceived, why? - because they ARE deceived.
Are you deceived? Experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you.
John 8:32-36
The Message (MSG)
If the Son Sets You Free
31-32 Then Jesus turned to the Jews who had claimed to believe in him. "If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you."
33 Surprised, they said, "But we're descendants of Abraham. We've never been slaves to anyone. How can you say, 'The truth will free you'?"
34-37 Jesus said, "I tell you most solemnly that anyone who chooses a life of sin is trapped in a dead-end life and is, in fact, a slave. A slave is a transient, who can't come and go at will. The Son, though, has an established position, the run of the house. So if the Son sets you free, you are free through and through. I know you are Abraham's descendants. But I also know that you are trying to kill me because my message hasn't yet penetrated your thick skulls. I'm talking about things I have seen while keeping company with the Father…