How far down this road have we gone.....
We live in a free society where the cultural jihad of the Islamic terrorists may be protected by the first amendment. Fed and local authorities might actually be enlisted to advance the speech and freedoms cultural jihadists by protecting their rights under the USA constitution! If Muslims do not repudiate Jihad, Sharia and Islam itself, they may find themselves in a United States which is majority Islam and Sharia governed, even from the houses of Fed., State and local Governments!
Are Americans saavy enough today to understand this? Or are they deceivable enough to become dhimmis or converts? If you don't understand these questions you are not saavy enough.
The Christian faith is very much misunderstood by lukewarm unstudied christians. As G.K. Chesterton said: “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and left untried.” How much more is it misunderstood by Muslims and other religionists?
Muslims and all men ought to "try it."
If one allows for human error and Divine Perfection, one ought to see Islam offers no assurance of the forgiveness of sins and requires a completely unknown quantity of good deeds for entrance into paradise forever. To offer a pass to paradise to those who will murder an "infidel" is so clearly a controlling motivator offered by those who would advance world conquest and the Caliphate. Islamic "shahids" ("martyrs") are so evilly taken advantage of and evilly used in this "shahada." This is heartbreaking as well as somewhat maddening to most "infidels.”