Sequestration is now being used as an EXCUSE by the Commander in Chief to weaken our military. What a sad state of affairs. A nation once so free and able is being disabled by the most nearsighted legislative inflexibility... it make one shudder. If five nuclear warships are gathered in one Navy Yard, surely (100 +435+9+1=) 545 NUCLEAR NARCISSISTS are often found gathered in the ONE Politically Correct Yard inside the Wash. D.C. beltway. There may seem to be two sides in the US government, but the insane egotism of them all makes for ONE BIG INEFFECTIVE INEFFICIENT CORRUPT MESS.
Instead of each man and woman in DC doing what they want, why don't they simply try to find out what WORKS and do that? I'll tell you why. It is because or past and lingering prosperity has corrupted our sense of need. We all need very much to do the right thing as individuals and as a nation. But we are some intoxicated on (still cheap) oil ($10/gallon gas is not uncommon in many other nations), by still cheap food, by an abundance of cheap (and immoral) entertainments, cheap (and expensive) prescription drugs, cheap alcohol, readily available cheap (and expensive) street drugs... Modern living (or post modern or what ever kind of living you want) is easy in the USA. The poorest here have 20 to 30 times the income of those in real poverty, those living on one to two dollars a day.
My prayer is that sequestration not end, but that in the future the military be excluded from it's reach. Let the entitlements and the pork be touched deeply. Entitlements are pork. Let them receive the same budgetary increases that Supplemental Security Insurance recipients receive, or better yet just cut all increases for 5, or even 10 years. Entitlements, the very thing designed to win the war on poverty have simply ballooned into the poverty of a 16 trillion dollar national debt. Unless some seriously concerted effort comes forth from Wash DC, our children will be in the poor house of debts for many generations.
And let it be taught in every classroom and preached from every pulpit, borrowing is not funding. Borrowing is the privilege of those who have good credit. The credit rating of the USA has never really taken the hit it should take. Reality says that we can in no way be 16 trillion dollars in debt, most of which is unfunded deficit spending, and borrowing simply to pay the interest on our debt and have any kind of "A" rating with any credit bureau. Frankly, if the Mafia held OUR national debt they would have broken Uncle Sam's legs some time ago.
And this is all from a secular point of view! When God is factored in, we ought to be on our knees before Him pleading for divine favor to extract ourselves from the prison of bankruptcy which may engulf us at any time!
Money is at best a tool, and the worst an idol. Will we use it as a tool for good? Or will we suffer from the insanity of the pursuit of more? But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. 1 Timothy 6:9-11