Hi! in Jesus Name. As Paul wrote numerous times, Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. !
I have been following a ministry called PFOX for a number of years. Their blog says:
About PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays)
Industry Non-Profit
Occupation civil rights
Location Washington DC, United States
Introduction Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) leads the nation in providing outreach, education, and public awareness in support of families and the ex-gay community ~ pfox@pfox.org ~ www.pfox.org ~ 804-453-4737 PFOX does not agree with all of the news articles posted here. They are for informational purposes only. PFOX does not endorse any one resource. Listing is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement. Donate to PFOX at http://pfox.org/donate.html
PFOX sent me an email today with the following links:
Will you take a look at them? The folks at PFOX are very sincerely working to tell people the truth: That gays can change, that there are many, many "ex-gays" who are happy to be "ex-gays." For telling this truth they are hated by the LGBT community, liberals, and atheists.
Recently PFOX distributed fliers at some public schools (see http://pfox.org/school_resources_handout.pdf ). This caused a big ruckus and even made the papers (see http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/feb/28/censoring-the-ex-homosexual-message/ ).
At http://pfox-exgays.blogspot.com/2012/03/celebrate-silence.html you will learn of a very interesting opportunity to help them tell the truth. It will require you to be courageous. Like Joshua and Caleb courageous. If the LGBT seems like a giant, it is a giant, and there are without ANY DOUBT giant demons running the LGBT agenda. Reading Exodus through Joshua it is clear that God gives victory to those who courageously obey His voice.
It will be for you to decide if God is calling you to tell the truth to the LGBT and to the students, parents and educators to whom the LGBT has lied. The LGBT agenda is as city like Jericho waiting to fall. God can save gay people. The demons that dominate their sexuality are hard to displace. But God is greater by far than he (satan) that is in the world.
If you choose to take on this opportunity on April 20th pray before you go, as you go and as you hand the fliers out. Take some Gospel tracts with you. It would be good to have two believers strong in the faith with you to do nothing but pray and read their Bibles softly. The demons have keen hearing and the Word of God will drive them away!
I am praying about distrubuting fliers at some university near Baltimore MD. I expect it may be difficult to find anyone brave enough to go with me. I'm not sure if I should go alone. Will you pray for me? Courage is an essential Christian virtue. It is also in scarce supply in too many believers and churches. It is often scarce in my heart too. :-(. Nevertheless Jesus will accomplish all He has set out to do!
If we want to please God and Jesus in our days on earth, then we should do it ASAP in Their grace and the power of the Holy Spirit. Tomorrow is not certain.
James 4:14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
Praying the for success of PFOX on April 20th, that souls would hear the truth and heed it,
dave aka lambsev ~ http://believerspace.com/forum/topic/831#831
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