The only christian position that really means anything - IMHO- is that of the new creature, the born again from above, saved position. For two thousand years the Holy Spirit and the Bible have made this invitation abundantly clear where ever they have found hearts and mouths to preach it. There also is ever the need to declare the eternal peril of refusing the invitation.
My concern is that we forget that God and Yeshua's doctrine are absolute, joyfully absolute and strong in that absolutenes; it is part of the beauty of their holiness. As sinners morphing into holy people we discover that He is always right, inspite of our inablitiy to understand or explain every facet of that 100% morally flawless right Being. In a world gone mad it is perilous to dialogue from any other position than that of joyful, full, mature, saved strength in the Messiah, sin notwithstanding but being instead forgiven.
I am wary of two things: 1) the view that Messiah is so intellectual as to need a seminary education to understand and explain Him, and 2) that He is too foolish to be considered as relevant. Nor does He reside somewhere in the middle ground of things. Higher criticism and lukewarmness be damned... and atheism too. Can we say "omnipresence?"
1 Cor. 4:20 For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.
I long for those to again heal the sick and lame, give sight to the blind, and feed thousands from a few morsels. Then those whose christian positions need such careful considerations will melt before Him who dwells in the hearts of His own. Therefore we ought pray that He send laborers, i.e. workers... that is miracle workers, healers, prophets etc. into the fields for they are white for a harvest. The problem is that we rather talk than seek the Holy Ghost in power. I am as guilty as any I chide of that.
A Messainic Jewish friend of mine says it this way: "Christ died to save sinners." perhaps it is better "Christ died and saved sinners theyby." It is the platform I run on. Death ought to unsettle any man. Where it does not salvation from it is senseless. Truly we are extending an invitation, but where there is no fear of missing the gig the invite is just a mild puff.
I don't want people to love me, I want them to trust in Messiah, then they will love me too, and die in the learning of agape.
One of the Messianic apostle Paul's great attributes was that he wasn't worried about starting a riot. I think today from heaven he is worried that we are not starting them.
It would be "interesting" to listen to a crowd shout Allah Akbar for two or three hours in Times Square, or on the Mall in D.C.
Couches are for pyshotherapy...
May God loose HIS lions...
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