Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Truth and Consequences

Can someone tell me why abortion has left the public square? To be sure there are those who seek to reverse Roe vs. Wade, but not the Republican or the Democrat parties. They best we get is a well written pro-life statement in the Republican Party Platform. It is a statement that will remain in obscurity because Republicans will not risk losing pro-choice votes by drawing attention to it. Everyone must run to the center, and to Republicans the topic has become third rail. You may have your private views, but you can’t speak of the matter without extreme deference to the so called "rights" of pro-choicers.

We are fast approaching the infamous distinction of having aborted 50 million lives. Call them fetuses, babies, unborn, pre-born, infants—it hardly matters; what cannot be disputed is that around half of those aborted, all since 1990, would now be 18 or more years old, English speaking U.S. citizens. Many would be employed in jobs "foreigners" now hold. Some would be in college. Some would be in the military and others in Green Peace, some Democrats, others Republicans. In short, they would be just like the rest of us, but for the fact of their termination, their abortion. Had they lived, the economy would be better off for the costs of raising them, costs which would have meant economic growth here, not the economic drain to other nations. They would now be competing in the market place just like we are, spending and investing their wages and salaries just like we do, and millions (billions?) more dollars, would not have been sent to illegal immigrants families outside our borders.

Many blow off my "theory" as ridiculous. But I ask you: Do you know someone who has aborted their child? I do. I would have both a niece or a nephew and my own son or daughter today, both around 35 years of age, had my sibling and I not have chosen abortions in the 1970's. Roe vs. Wade has made room for nearly 50 million immigrants to the USA, "replacements". Do we wonder why they come? We need them; we need them to do the jobs “Americans” are unwilling to do. One of those Jobs is parenting, and sure enough the illegal immigrants are becoming parents of US Citizens!!! By the tens of thousands a year!!! I fear that many Americans today have all the competency of Homer Simpson, while those who are pleased to profit from abortions have all the competency of Adolph Hitler.

There is a bumper sticker which sums up a growing attitude toward children: “I’m spending my children’s inheritance.”

It is not reasonable to think that this gross offence against natures God can be accepted much longer without dire natural consequences. They include the economic consequences and moral consequences.

I have recently heard a viewpoint advanced by Christians that the faithful need only preach the gospel; they need not “fight” against abortion, or homosexuality. I understand this view and can support it to some extent. However we must include in the exposition of the gospel the truth that God (still) hates sin, is angry with those who knowingly sin against Him, and will ultimately condemn the unrepentant unbelieving sinner. The “coarsening of society” which many decry today is not the result of abortion alone. It is the cumulative effect and result of unchecked sin of all kinds.

Abortion followed on the heels of several coarsening influences. In 1954 pornography roared out from under its rock and within years the Supreme Court rule in her favor. In 1966 drugs, notably LSD and marijuana followed the same rout, and were met with similar complacence and decriminalization. So in 1973 with abortion. Illegal abortions had long been available to wealthy, connected people. But in 1973 it became available legally and profitably for “doctors” willing to do harm under the color of Supreme Court decisions.

Following abortion we have more “brave” souls encouraged to promote their immorality.
The homosexual community for one has promoted the acceptance of the queer lifestyle and “gay” marriage. We also seem to have an epidemic of greed which has broken out like cancer in the financial and real estate markets. If men will not stand against abortion, they will not stand against much of anything. If they will not stand against abortion and all these evils they will fall to their consequences. The consequences of sin are many; moral and economic collapse is among them, as are disease and poverty.

Foreclosure and bankruptcy are caused by some violation of God’s law. Your foreclosure may not be the direct result of your sin, but two things are sure. Firstly, many made mistakes (errors, sins) which caused the current financial crisis. Please consider again the economic consequences of 50,000,000 US citizen consumers lost in the abortion holocaust. Secondly, you are a sinner too, and have almost certainly caused some evil consequence, small or large, to befall another. God alone has never sinned, and His gospel is that for that and many other wonderful truths, His Son Jesus is able to save the sinner from sins eternal consequences. Jesus is neither a Republican nor a Democrat, He is not even democratic! He is a Monarch. Heaven is a Kingdom, governed by a King. It is not a democracy which is governed by men, or a Republic which is governed by the representatives of men. Jesus and Heaven are far and away beyond politics if you ask me, and that is where I want to be.

© 2008 David Severy

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